Four Colors | Like UNO Online Play on CrazyGames

Four Colors lets you play the popular card game for free in your web browser. The aim of the game is to be the first player with no cards, similar to other Crazy Eights style card games. Play a game like UNO in multiplayer with 2, 3, or 4 players. There are various strategies you can use to maximize your chances of winning at this multiplayer UNO-inspired game. The main principle is to get rid of all your cards before everyone else. You can do that by matching the color or number of the card placed down before yours. If you don't have a playable card, you must draw cards from the pile until you do. When you have one card left, press the "1" button, otherwise you will be punished with two penalty cards! There are 108 cards and four colors in total. Number cards make up 70% of the total deck, with four colors each containing 19 cards. The cards span from numbers 0-9. As for the quantity of each card, there is one zero card, and two of every other number. The remaining 30% of cards are called action cards and wild cards. Action cards add an extra level of strategy to UNO. There are three action card types in an UNO deck. There are two of each action card in each color. These are: There are two types of wild card with four of each one. They are: Since its release, there have been several versions of UNO released, as well as entirely new card games. Other popular family-friendly games include Gin Rummy Online And Ludo King. UNO is a card game developed by Merle Robbins in 1971. He sold the rights to the game for $50,000, to a company that was bought out by Mattel in 1992. Over the years, it's grown to become one of the most recognizable card games. There are now 100s of themed variations of the game based on anything from football to movies, some with slightly different rules and special cards. Four Colors is a card game very much inspired by UNO. Web browser CodeThisLab UNO was conceived in 1971. Four Colors was initially released in 2009. The game has been updated in October 2020 to support real-time multiplayer with real people around the world! Updated on September 29 2021 with a Special mode and other improvements. Use the left mouse button to play the cards. Puzzle Solitaire 3 Player With Friends Color Card Logic Multiplayer
