“Gaming Analytics is fast! It’s as easy as asking a question — like Google” Slot Director at Gulfstream Casino “Before Gaming Analytics a report would take days or weeks, now the same reports are almost instant.” VP Marketing at Gulfstream Casino “With Gaming Analytics, the AI driven reports provide the best available information for the casino to perform at its best.” CFO at Lucky Dog Casino Reports that once took days or weeks, now take seconds. Casinos make more informed purchase decisions with our machine learning. Your profits increase with AI — machine placements and recommendations become scientific; guesswork is removed. The Gaming Analytics AI platform scientifically analyzes your data for best machine selection and best slot floor design. Your profits will increase! The Gaming Analytics AI dashboard is customized for the user, based on preferences and workflows. Find actionable insights hidden in your casino data. No technical expertise is necessary! With Gaming Analytics AI, you receive casino performance predictions for the next day, week, month, and beyond. Predictions are 99% accurate. – Augusto DeChat, General Manager at Trilenium Casino With consideration of the cost of labor, inflation, interest rates, depreciation, and amortization, you are provided with a complete ROI analysis, including income statement and cashflow analysis. With added confidence, you will know which machines to purchase. With AI, casino executives can shift focus to other tasks instead of countless hours of analyzing data and crunching numbers. Learn how Gulfstream Casino saved 2500 man-hour annually with Gaming Analytics, the most innovative AI platform for casinos. Gaming Analytics.ai is the industry’s first self-learning, artificial intelligence platform. Now business users can access and analyze data in seconds. Just type or ask the question. Web design by &MARKETING Web design by &MARKETING