Poker Patio - Play Free Online Poker - Play With Friends

Register – Save your progress and customize your experience Join our Discord – We run daily poker games and test new updates Poker Patio is a free online poker website developed with the intention to make the game of poker simple and fun for all players to enjoy. Whether you are new to poker or have years of experience with the game, Poker Patio is for players of all skill levels. It is a great place to test your skills and play against your friends. By simplifying the game of poker for the average player, we can bring more people into the game. Currently, on the site, you can play Texas Hold’em against players worldwide, play with friends, or compete against bots. We have many plans for Poker Patio in the future, as the online poker sphere is vast and ripe for innovation. On behalf of our team, thank you for playing on the website; we hope you enjoy your time here. If you are new to poker, want to improve your skills, or need a refresher on the game’s rules, consider checking out our learn, hands, strategies, and terms guides. If you want to learn more about the site, check out our FAQ page. We have a lot of upcoming features in the works that we are eager to release to you all. Browse the list below. Feel free to drop feedback or report any bugs you encounter here or report it directly to us through Discord. If you wish to reach us more formally, please contact us here or email [email protected]. It is greatly appreciated ♥️ Poker Patio is intended for players aged 18+. These games are for entertainment purposes only and do not offer real money gambling or an opportunity to win real money or prizes. Copyright ©2025, Poker Patio
